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For Americans by Americans Thumbnail

For Americans by Americans

When considering a financial planner or investment manager to help guide your family as a US tax-connected expat, what should you look for? Many companies say they are cross-border specialists, but are they really cross-border? Many say they are fiduciaries, but are they?

 Here are some questions you should consider asking:

  • Is the company licensed to provide financial services in the country where you live? 
  • Is the company registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the country where you live? 
  • Are they Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) professionals? 
  • Is the advisor you would work with licensed to give financial advice in the country where you live and in the US?
  • Can you meet in their office in the country you live? 
  • Are you able to use the address in the country where you live when opening investment accounts with the advisor? 

If the answer to any of the above are No, they may not be true cross-border advisors. There are many companies based in America who are cross-border specialists, but very few of them are licensed outside the US. And even less are registered with the SEC having their principal office outside the US.

As fiduciaries, and as CFP® professionals, they should be licensed in the country where you live unless they've received an exemption from the local regulator or fall under a de minimis rule (less than a certain number of clients in a country doesn't require licensing for example.) Information is publicly available through all regulators. The SEC site has a list of companies and individuals who are licensed. In Singapore, MAS has a list of financial institutions, the license they hold along with a list of registered representatives.

By comparison:

  • Avrio Wealth is headquartered in Singapore, licensed by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • We have three American citizens who hold the CFP® designation and are US and Singapore licensed.
  • We have an office in Singapore where you can meet with us.
  • We work as a team so there will always be CFP® professionals in Singapore who work with you and for you.
  • Our custodians don’t require that US taxpayers use a US address to have their assets managed by Avrio, our clients may use their Singapore address.

We are not cross-border specialists based in the US who work with you in Singapore. We are cross-border specialists in Singapore who are also expats like you. We fully understand the challenges you face and as an investment advisor we uphold fiduciary standards by being licensed and regulated in Singapore when giving you advice to help you achieve your financial goals.

Please refer to our Form ADV Part A & Part B for more information on our firm, team and designations. If you would like to learn more about how Avrio Wealth can support your financial goals, please contact us.

This material is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Additionally, you should consult with your Financial Advisor, Tax Advisor, or Attorney on your specific situation. The views expressed in the material are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of any market, regulatory body, State or Federal Agency, or Association. SEC registration does not imply a level of skill or training. All efforts have been made to report or share true and accurate information. However, the information may become materially outdated or otherwise rendered incorrect due to subsequent new research or other changes, without notice. The author nor the firm are able to always verify the content from third-party sources. For additional information about the firm, please visit the MAS Website at https://www.mas.gov.sg/  and the SEC Website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov. For a copy of the firm's ADV Part 2 Brochure, please contact us at info@avriowealth.com.