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Client Complaints Handling Singapore


If you have any complaints or feedback with any aspect of your experience with your Financial Advisor, please email to info@avriowealth.com

Your complaint and feedback will be handled by an independent unit. The unit will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days from the date it is received. The unit may contact you for additional information about your complaint.

We aim to provide a final response to the complaint within 20 business days. If the case is more complex and take us longer than usual to deal with, we will update you on our progress on the 20th business day or earlier after receiving your complaint.

If the final resolution is not satisfactory, you may wish to contact the “Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre” (FIDReC) who may help you in resolving your complaint.

Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC)

36 Robinson Road #15-01, 

City House, 

Singapore 068877

Telephone: (65) 6327-8878

Contact FIDReC